Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another Year, Another Attempt

30th December 08

My next attempt, this time i will not fail....

As i sit here on the evening before we go into a new year, listening to the news which all is bad. I feel a bit selfish that my thoughts are not with the people who are dying in wars, the people who are suffering thought the recession we are facing or our guys and girls been killed fighting our wars for us. No i am thinking of me, in 2009 in a power wheelchair crossing the finishing line at John O'Groats after doing the E2E a distance of some 1600 km.

I am thinking of the power chair i will use, the route i will take, the support i will need and the money it will take, because this challenge will not just happen, i have to make it happen, and i cannot do that without your help.

So if you are like me and just want to escape for a few days or even a month, from what is happening around you, then why not join me in my next E2E attempt. All of the above will not stop because you are taking time away from every day life, but the money we raise for The British Legion will help our chaps when they come home from war.

Happy New Year to all of you.