Thursday, January 1, 2009

I Eat, Sleep, Dream The LEJOG

1st January 2009

151 days to go.

To those of you following this blog you will realise that 151 days to go is for the start at Lands End at 10 am, for my second attempt at driving a power chair from Lands End 2 John O'Groats in 28 days.

There are things afoot to make the second attempt but i cannot tell you what just yet. What i can tell you is that i think of the E2E the moment i wake up; i think E2E during the day and i think E2E before going to sleep. I think and worry that as much as i want this, because i am severely disabled, i cannot do it by myself and need a large team to make it happen.

Any abled bodied wanting to do the E2E can just do it, and do just that. Not me. So if you are thinking of doing the E2E and don't mind taking 28 days at an average of 50 miles per day, then why not join us. Better still, i need personal carers, with out whom i cannot get to the starting post, then please email me and i can tell you more.

So until my next post, i will just wish you a Peaceful New Year.