20th Feb
Hi and welcome to this blog
The reason this blog is been written is two fold. 1. For me to keep a record of the planning and executing of the Lands End to John O'Groats driving a power chair. To a lot of you this will not be your first visit nore will it be your last. The meter tells me when you visit , the words you use on the search engine to find me and where you are visiting from. It tells me no more. For what ever reason you are visiting this blog, hi and welcome. 2. To help fund raise for The Royal British Legion and The Poppy Appeal. You can you find out more detail about these charities, who, been in the Women's Royal Air Force myself, no the benefit they are to all ex service men and women. You can find out more about them and the work they do by visiting http://www.britishlegion.org.uk/
Fundraising is what i have called this page, because that is what this E2E challenge hopes to do, get some much needed cash in to help our forces guys and girls when they need it most.
The legion has helped me in many ways, advice, provide me with some much needed cash to go to Lourdes, helped to buy the computer i am writing to you on; and put some money in the money pot to buy a better power chair than my standard DHSS, not that i am knocking my DHSS power chair, it serves me well, but does not have the comfort of my Balder. I think you are getting the drift of what i am saying.
So, here comes the punch line, can you please go to my fundraising page www.bmycharity.com/V2/e2epowerchairchallenge and make a donation. I have already done the first donation. Thank you.
I shall be back with you soon, as i am a great believer in Fair Trade, and we are looking at how we can support Fair Trade on this challenge by using, where possible, buying and using their produce. I am also a great believer of organic foods, eat them all the time, see logo. We are also looking at using organic foods to feed the team
That is the fundraisin pitch over with.
Just one last thing visit the Free Rice link on the left and spend some time testing your brains while feeding the hungry.
Speak again soon.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Posted by
Mary Laver
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Labels: Fund raising