23rd March 09
Should wheelchair users be free to use our road net work?
Should wheelchair users be free to use our road net work?
Entry on the CTC forum
Hi Guys
I feel that I can now revel my sponsors without causing any trouble and where you can find my blog.
This is part of the last entry on my blog.“The police have very strongly advised, thought cannot legally enforce this request, that my power chair sponsors do not go ahead with this E2E challenge; the effect been that 'Handicare' have now said they will provide me with their new power chair "Alex", you now have their name, they will provide me a full set of spar parts; an on call engineer, but they will not help finance the challenge beyond that point as they do not wish to be seen going against the advice of the police. This, though I do not agree with, I fully respect their decision and thank them for their offer, which I may or may not take up.
The CTC forum have been a great help with this matter, giving good sound advice, which we have taken, I say we because my local 'British Nursing Association' (BNA,) who are looking into providing my care on this challenge, have not, as yet, pulled out and as i speak are looking at how they can help me take this to the next level and do the E2E and by helping me find more sponsors. They cannot, especially in this climate, finance the whole trip, which i fully understand, so there is still hope.
My last E2E power chair - Alber Adventure - which i bought along with a van, by remorging my home, is now insured for £2m for third party.This insurance i can transfer to another power chair if i wish. We are ready to go on 17th July, but I need some more sponsors to help cover costs of about, not including care, £7000. Can you guys please help me on this one? Do you know anyone one, a company, that would say sponsor me for a £1000, all i would need is 7 sponsors and i am nearly there. I would get them as much free publicity as possible and lets face it, this is a good story.
People seem to think that because i am doing this challenge in a power chair there is not so much physical and mental energy been used, This i can assure them is wrong.
Sitting there with you hand pushing a control stick forward for 40 miles per day while been bumped around all the time, is both physical and mentally challenging, especially for someone who is a 62 yrs old, female, has serve rheumatoid arthritis, who is totally human and wheelchair dependent. This is the reason i want to do the E2E. To push myself to my physical and mental limits, and driving a power chair 1000 miles is just one of many ways i can do it. The E2E is see as the start, if i can get help, of my adventure and challenges, not the end. If you think you can help with sponsorship, know of a sponsor who may be interested or donating, fully returnable, to my expenses, then email me with a contact tel no, mary.laver.e2e@googlemail.com. I will talk you thought where I am at so fare.
Thanks guys for all your help and support. It has been very uplifting.
Just leave you comments in the comments box.