Wednesday, June 17, 2009

17 June 2009

Solving problems

On this challenge, as with any other challenge, there are many problems we have to solve.

One problem we have to solve in my case is lifting me safely. This will be done by using a portable mobile lift.

Mobile lifts are designed to use indoors, none has come up with one to use outside. Why I do not know, as more and more disabled people are venturing out and using our campsites, me being one of them.

Getting back to hoisting.
Problem one is hoisting me on grass. Not easy, we have tried it. The solution has to be in the form of a firm base. Having looked at some, we have opted for a very thick rubber square, putting the hoist on it and moving my bed, or chair to the hoist. That problem that problem solved

Next problem, what happens if it is raining!
While we are out on the road, I will have to be taken out of Alex while he is having a battery change and general check over, and be put onto my stretcher or into my manual wheelchair. No problem in care parks and roadside parking areas as they have a hard surface. The problem is, ‘what happens if it is raining?’ ‘How to I keep the hoist dry?’ They are not designed for getting wet, mine is not, I have checked with the manufacture Solution a large winding up garden parasail, -see photograph. - over the hoist. To keep the handset/battery dry, we will be wrapped in Clingfilm

I hope we never have to put this to the test but it is one of the many things we have to be prepared for. Watch this space.