Tuesday, August 25, 2009

25 August 2009

Every journey has an end.

Finishing writing a blog to which over 6000 of you have visited since it was started in October 2007, will be like loosing touch with many friends. Some I know have visited many times sharing my journey with me. Some of you have visited my blog from all parts of the world. You will have spotted many spelling mistakes. Even the spell checker could not pick them all up. I hope you have enjoyed what you have read. If there is a guy called Ric, and he knows who he is, then I would love to hear how you made out.

All of you will be given the chance of obtain a free, eddied version, of my E2E journey, details of how will be published on this blog within the next four weeks, or you can email and I will tell you how you can obtain your free copy.

More photos will also be appearing on this blog in the near future, but in the mean time, with a tear in my eye, I am signing off leaving you with one last message.

Visualize if you can being at JOG. I had just done the E2E a distance for us of 965 miles, give or take. All the fuss has ended and I am spending a few moments on my own. I know, but had not seen, that there was on official fining/starting line somewhere as there is a Lands End, so I went on the search to find it.

After a few minutes I find it in front of a hotel that was boarded up and had a fence in front it, the hotel not the line. The finishing stop line was about 2 feet from the fence. I go up to the part of the line that says 'finish' I say to myself, “well done you did it, 965 miles you are and End 2 Ender,” and gave myself a verbal pat on the back, pause and then cross the line. What a moment for me. I turn around and there is the team. They had been keeping an eye on me and were right behind me waiting until I had had my private moment and saw me cross the line...They then crossed that line as well. We took photographs with the piper and just shouted “we did it...” What an ending, what a team.

Thank you to all my team and my supporters who stayed with me when others did not. I hope you consider that the team did you proud.

A special thanks goes to a lump of metal who did all the work, I found myself talking to that lump of metal on many occasions, mainly when we were facing step hill. I give you Handycare’s ‘Alex’.