Monday, November 24, 2008

Facts about Alber Adventure

24th November 08

A few facts about Alber Adventure

If any of you are thinking about buying an Alber Adventure than can i just gie you a few facts from my personal experence.

When i was looking at buying a new power chair for my first E2E challenge there were four things that were a must.

Batteries. I cannot get out of my power chair without a hoist so the battries had to be able to be changed with me still in the chair. This function you can do with the Alber as that battries can be removed from the back and a new set put in. A bounous was that the battries could be charged without been on the chair.

Reliability. I did not want a power chair that would break down and i was assured that Alber was fully relable. The only way i could find out for sure was to get on the road with Alber, he has not let me down yet.

Comfort. I have serva Rheumatoid Arthritis and most of my joints are shot and i find that the ride i get in Alber creats no pain whats so ever, why? Alber as full suspension, see their web site for more details. When you order an Alber Adveure you are asked your weight, this is so they can putting the right suspension to meet your body weight.

Speed. I can assure you that Alber does do 8 mph. we have clocked it and will do that speed up hill and down dale.

The one thing that i have not told you about Alber is that it can full disamled to put into the boot of a care ect.

I have attached a few drawing of Alber so you can see what i mean. I hope this short post is of some use to you.