Sunday, May 10, 2009

My New Press Release

10th May 09

New press release
(Mary in Handicare's 'Alex')

Press Release
09 May 2009

British Record Attempt
Lands End to John O'Groats
1000 Mile Power Chair Challenge
18th July/12th August 2009
Start 2 pm

Mary Laver is 62 years old Is severely disabled due to Rheumatoid Arthritis, and has been totally wheelchair and human dependant for 22 years. has a dream, to drive a power chair from Lands End 2 John O’Groats, a distance of some 1000 miles, 1600 k. It has never been done before in one power chair.

In July 09 Mary Laver (Newcastle upon Tyne) hopes to fly the flag for all power chair users and make her bid at the E2E

Mary only eats organic food and always promotes Fairtrade products where and when possible, as she will during the 1000 mile challenge.

Mary advocates very strongly about controlling arthritis pain by diet. Mary along with Margaret Smith, is also the co-author of a best selling cookery book 'Diet for Life' Pan Books,

During the passed 2 years, Mary has already had one attempt and failed. Mary was planning this challenge for the second time, however Mary still has a shortfall in funds and her support team for the challenge so new sponsors and supports are urgently sought if she is to leave on the date 18th July. See her blog

Mary is asking anyone to please come forward at this late date and back her in this once in a lifetime challenge either as a helper or to help cover the cost of any care she will need. If none comes forward her challenge and record attempt is off.

Local people are holding events and she say that she is selling one of her two power chairs to cover the costs of accommodation, food and petrol, some £7000

If Mary is to achieve her mission, she needs the most up to date technology. She is extremely grateful to Handicare Ltd, who have donated their new Alex power chair to the project. UK Marketing Manager Eddie Peacock describes Mary as “inspirational”. “She is a remarkable lady and we wish her every success with her 1000 mile challenge” Eddie Peacock (Handicare UK Marketing Manager) 07985-160675 mhtml:%7B2688B87A-4980-4B20-899E-3C3CAFB840DE%7Dmid://00000081/!

As Mary is an ex forces, the WRAF, she is keen to ensure the Royal British Legion and the Poppy Appeal as her chosen charity for the challenge, receives lots of sponsorship money and is asking people to make a donation by going to Or contact Jenny Robson (The Royal British Legion) 0191-2682310

Mary will be wearing a blue tooth earpiece while on the challenge so if you would like to speak to Mary while she is doing the challenge her mobile no is 07975649162. Mary is available for interviews with radio and press at any time before, during, and after the challenge, please just ring her mobile or land line

You can contact me in the first instance by mobile 07975649162 or 01912665197 or by email

Thank you.

Best Wishes

Mary Laver

Mobile 07975649162Tel No 0191 266 5197

E2E Challenge in a Power Wheelchair

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