16th May 09
Funding costs.
To fund something like this challenge because of my care requirements takes a lot of people, i need minim 6 people in the team so this puts the overall costs of this challenge high than normal.
To give you an idea of the costs involved i am including the appendix in my blog. I hope you find it of some interest.
E2E Appendix (A) Accommodation
From 17th of July to the 15th of August
Based on 6 persons @ 30 nights
Option 1
Costing for staying in YHA for whole trip
YHA = £15 person per night x 6 = £90
£15 x 6 persons x 30 nights = £2700
Option 2
Campsite per night including 4 tents, 2 vehicles, 1 hook-up,
6 persons
£75 average High price
£50 average Low price
All nights in Campsites as above no YHA
Higher Price £75 x 30 = £2250
Lower Price £50 x 30 = £1500
Option 3
4 nights in YHA and 26 in campsite:
Higher Price (£90 x 4) + (£75 x 26) = £2310
Lower Price (£90 x 4) + (£50 x 26) = £1660
Option 4
8 nights in YHA and 22 in campsites:
Higher Price (£90 x 8) + (£75 + 22) = £2370
Lower Price (£90 x 8) + (£50 x 22) = £1820
E2E Appendix (C) Transport Costs
We are using 2 mini bus vans for the whole trip and hiring a car to change shifts this is a breakdown of costs
Cost of Mary’s van. Free
Cost of hire of van which we have been offered at a greatly reduced price because the challenge is for charity is – see attached quotation = £554
Average cost of hiring car at £80 for 2 days x 3 pickups = £240
Fuel for vans @ 25 miles per gallon @ 2500 miles approx = £1146
Fuel for cars @ 40 miles per gallon @ 1288 miles approx = £170
We are looking at £7 per day per person, hopefully using mainly Organic and Fair Trade
I will have to pay, unless i can get volunters for at least for 4 people, so that will add £4000 onto the bill.
So there you have it. At an average estimate the cost to do the E2E will be in the region of £9500. Any offers of help will be gratefully received.
I hope that you found this information of interest
Speak again soon
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Funding Costs
Posted by
Mary Laver
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Labels: Costings